Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sharjah: Painless & Risk-Free Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Removing your wisdom teeth can be difficult, but we'll make it easy and pain-free at our dental clinic in Sharjah.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sharjah | Stop Wisdom Teeth Pain

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Sharjah for a Comfortable Smile

Wisdom teeth (third molars) are teeth that tend to emerge between ages 17 and 25. Sometimes, wisdom teeth become impacted because they don’t have enough room to develop normally. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and negatively affect other teeth, but that isn’t always the case because some wisdom teeth develop without any issues.

  • The Importance of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Most people undergo wisdom teeth removal for one of the following reasons:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth can become trapped in the jawbone or gums, causing immense pain
  • If wisdom teeth develop at a wrong angle, they can put pressure on your other teeth
  • There might not be enough room in a person’s jaw for an extra set of molars if their mouth 
  • Wisdom teeth are hard to reach, which makes them hard to clean correctly, resulting in tooth decay and gum disease
  • Frequent or severe gum infections
  • The orthodontist may need to make room for other teeth


  • The Steps of Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Most upper wisdom teeth can be removed easily with the help of a local anesthetic, whereas lower wisdom teeth are more difficult to extract.

  • Before surgery:

You will meet with an oral surgeon at our medical center in Sharjah to discuss the operation before surgery. Make sure you use this opportunity to:

  • Talk about any health problems you have
  • Make a list of any medications you take regularly
  • Ask any questions you have about the surgery
  • Discuss the type of anesthesia you will receive


  • During surgery:

You’ll be given one of the following types of anesthesia to make your wisdom teeth extraction easy and pain-free:

  • Topical anesthesia:

Your oral surgeon will numb your mouth with a dose of a local anesthetic, so you should feel alert again shortly after the operation.

  • Intravenous anesthesia:

Your oral surgeon will numb your mouth and give you medications through a vein in your arm to make you sleep throughout the operation. Intravenous sedation is done exclusively in a hospital.

  • General anesthesia:

You will either be given an anesthetic intravenously or inhale gas through a mask to make you sleep throughout the operation. General anesthesia cannot be done at our dental clinic in Sharjah because it can only be done in a hospital.

  • After surgery:

Following your dentist’s advice is crucial to speed up your post-op recovery. We recommend the following tips for your first few days after surgery:

  • Use an ice pack on your face to reduce swelling
  • Open and close your mouth gently to exercise your jaw
  • Eat soft foods like pasta, rice, or soup
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Resume brushing your teeth on the second day after the operation
  • Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain or swelling
  • Immediately call your doctor if you have a fever or if your pain and swelling don’t improve
  • Don’t drink through a straw because sucking may break up the blood clots that help your mouth heal
  • Gently gargle with salt water
  • Do not eat hard, crunchy or sticky foods that may open up your wounds
  • Don’t smoke because smoking can slow down the recovery process

3 Facts About Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sharjah

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the only teeth that do not form in the womb. 90% of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.

Early Wisdom Teeth

Early humans didn’t struggle with wisdom teeth because there was more space in their mouths to accommodate them.

Removing Wisdom Teeth

According to the American Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, most wisdom teeth eventually need to be removed.


My wisdom teeth were causing a lot of pain, but the dentists at Ajyad pulled them out and I feel much better.


I had three wisdom teeth extracted. The operation was very comfortable and completely painless!


I'm glad I removed my wisdom teeth at Ajyad Medical Center. Very kind staff and incredible surgeons.



At What Age Do Most People Get Wisdom Teeth?

In general, wisdom teeth begin to erupt between ages 17 and 25. It’s not entirely unheard of for wisdom teeth to develop in pre-adolescence or until the age of three, but there is also a chance that wisdom teeth don’t appear at all.

How Do I Know if I Have Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist will tell you if he notices anything unusual during one of your examinations. If you don’t visit your dentist regularly, watch for pain and swelling around the gums. You might also be able to feel or see your wisdom teeth.

Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Require Stitches? How Will They Be Removed?

Although not always necessary, you may require some stitches. The stitches will likely dissolve on their own after some time.

Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

A vast majority of people have wisdom teeth. Some people don’t develop four molars and end up with only one or two. There is also a tiny percentage of people who don’t develop wisdom teeth at all.

Is It Necessary to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You should consult your dentist and listen to their advice. If your dentist recommends wisdom teeth extraction, the surgery is probably necessary to prevent other oral problems and complications.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth More Difficult to Remove Than Other Teeth?

Wisdom teeth extractions can be more challenging to remove than other teeth for various reasons, but the procedure is relatively routine. Sometimes root canal therapy can be used to restore wisdom teeth. Your surgeon will discuss the details with you if your situation is highly complex.

When Can I Brush My Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

You can resume brushing your teeth as soon as the next day after surgery.

You can even brush your teeth on the night of surgery, but it is recommended that you rinse them gently with your prescribed mouthwash instead.

When Should I Visit the Dentist After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

All patients should be examined after two weeks of removing their wisdom teeth. During the follow-up appointment, your dentist will ensure that the incision sites have healed correctly and that you are on the path to complete recovery.

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